How to Integrate WooCommerce With Specter

The best way to get a WooCommerce and Specter integration is to use the Junipeer iPaaS platform for the fastest, most cost efficient and secure integration.

Get your WooCommerce x Specter integration done with Junipeer.

With Junipeer you get one ultra fast API integration made in the latest technology for multiple ERP-systems, e-commerce platforms, logistics apps, payment systems and much more. You can be up and running within 15 minutes with a perfect integration between your ERP and eCommerce platform.

The Junipeer iPaaS platform comes with API integrations between WooCommerce and Specter but also with a lot of other e-commerce platforms, ERPs, PIM, POS and logistics systems. Its a one stop shop for easy integrations built in the latest MACH technology.

What's Included

With the Junipeer Integration between Specter and Shopify you get products, prices, customers/compannies, orders, delivery, inventory in one integration. Just plug-and-play with no startup cost and get to enjoy fully automated bookkeeping.

Sign up for a 14 days free trial with no strings attached or book a demo for more information from our integrations specialists.