E-commerce integrations
Integrate e-commerce systems such as Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify, Shopware, Brink and more with Junipeer.
Save time & money with enhanced reliability
Integrations with Junipeer saves time and money - both in the integration & onwards.
Once your e-commerce system is integrated you achieve a lot of time saving. From not having to keep track of different systems such as PIM and POS and ERP integrations. You also save time in your day to day business and get a more reliable solution with our iPaaS platform.
Keep everything synced
The most common thing we integrate is orders. We usually send them between ERPs, Ecommerce platforms and POS.
Delivery information
For many ecommerce merchants it is critical to be transparent about the delivery to the end consumer. We are solving that problem.
Integrating products between systems can be a challange with complex products. We know how to deal with this.
Inventory can be very simple and very complex. We are able to solve MSI (multi source inventory) for example..
We can integrate anything from complex pricing in B2B to your ordinary B2C pricing.
We are able to integrate both companies and customers in any B2C or B2B flow.
Ready to get started?